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Benefits and Myths: Tax Advantages of Opportunity Zones

Real estate investor or not, we would all love to save some money when and where we can. One way this is possible is through purchasing property inside your states’ opportunity zones; doing so can provide you with some large tax savings throughout the years. In this week’s video, Kevin discusses opportunity zones. He explains what they are, the tax benefits within the zones and how they work, and lastly the myths that revolve around opportunity zones. Check out the map below to see where your state’s opportunity zones are located!

Opportunity zones and how they work can be an extremely complicated subject to completely understand. If you are interested in learning more about these zones and how they work or have any questions about any of the information discussed in this video, please reach out us! Whether it is through a phone call, email, through the comments on YouTube, or through our Facebook page, we are here to discuss anything you may want, in a prompt manner.
#opportunityzones #opportunityzonestax

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