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Four Steps To Prepare For Covid-19 Impact

While no one can predict what impact COVID-19 will have, Kevin has come up with a four step process to make sure you are prepared for whatever impact this can have on the economy. Whatever economic situation this will bring, it will be a great idea to know where you stand. One can start with self evaluation by analyzing their rental portfolio and their net worth. Another way to prepare is to stay educated and learn more about different investment opportunities. Third, you should become as liquid as possible to take advantage of opportunities that will come through all of this. Finally, stay patient. While we don’t think there is going to be a big impact on real estate values, be a little more cautious on deals, but if you find a great deal, go for it! If you are looking at your next investment property, and are not sure if it will be a great deal, let us know, and we can look at the numbers to make sure.

As always, we are here to help you with your real estate investing needs. If you have any questions please visit to see what we are all about, or our Facebook page at