Are you involved in a business partnership and have created an LLC? Are you a minority owner within that LLC? If so, you should always know how to protect yourself within that business entity, should things go wrong! This week, Kevin and real estate attorney, Jared Seidenberg, discuss how to protect yourself within your LLC when you are a non-managing member within the company. They go over a few different strategies that you can use when creating an operating agreement and how they work.
Need help creating your operating agreement in a way that is fair to all members of the entity? Questions on an operating agreement that has already been created? Reach out to Jared at Antero Law and he will be happy to discuss and help in any way he can! You can reach him at 720-990-5530 or Also feel free to reach out to anyone in our office for any questions you may have at 303-835-4445. Check us at out at or