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How To Sell A House In A Slowing Market

When within a hot seller’s real estate market, it is rather easy to get your property up on the market with limited improvements and get it sold, fast. On the contrary, selling a house in a slowing market can be a little more difficult, and as stated in this video “you either need to be a little bit better or priced a little bit better”. So what exactly does this mean? How can you make your property, investment property or not, look appealing to a buyer in order to outdo the competition surrounding you? Kevin and Travis discuss some examples of improvements and ways to be on top of your competition in a slowing market in order to be able to get the most profit for your property without having to drop your price.

If you have an investment property that you are looking to fix up and get on the market, we can help you! Whether it be reviewing your scope of work and making sure the improvements you have in mind are good enough to get you the value you want, or simply funding the improvements for you to be able to get them done and your property on the market. Check us out at where you can find our loan products, terms, and exactly who we are over at Pine Financial Group. Also be sure to check out our Facebook at

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