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Using Redemption Rights In Real Estate

Do you know how to acquire a property using redemption rights? Do you know what redemption rights are? Each state has different laws regarding what you can do. One of the states we do business in is Minnesota and there is a Sheriff Sale and an Owner Redemption so after the Sheriff Sale the owner has six months to pay off the defaulted lender. The advantage to the Redemption in Minnesota is that you can find the properties and it is all public records and you also know the motivation of the seller.
As a fix and flip lender, we absolutely want to see our clients succeed in their projects and make a profit. Part of succeeding means working with a good team. If you are unsure of the pricing you are being given for your next project, or would just like some advice, please give us a call and we’d be happy to look through your scope of work, budget, etc. You can reach us by phone at 303-835-4445 or through our website at

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