When putting an offer in on a property, there can be many boxes to check off of the list to ensure your offer is written correctly and as strongly as possible to have it accepted. If you are getting financing on the property, or paying in cash, you’ll want to be sure you are disclosing all of that information to the seller, so they know exactly what to expect. When working with a hard money, or private money lender, there can be some confusion of what to write within the offer as this type of financing is not your typical, traditional financing. This week, Sean discusses how to write an offer when you are using hard or private money, and explains the reasoning behind why you will want to write these offers correctly the first time around.
Don’t know who we are yet? Pine Financial Group is the premier hard money lender for real estate investors in Colorado and Minnesota! We want to help you find great deals, write your offers correctly, get you under contract, and finance your deal so you are successful within your real estate investing business! Check us out and see how we can help you at http://www.pinefinancialgroup.com or through our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pinefinancial.