Investor Tools
Fix & Flip Calculator
Inspiration + Information
Tools to start your journey
Fix & Flip Calculator
This calculator helps determine the total profits on a deal, the amount of money needed to close, return on investment, and more.
Max Offer Worksheet
This worksheet walks you through calculating the maximum price you should pay for a property.
Scope of Work Spreadsheet
This worksheet will help you structure your budget for success by utilizing a proven model to estimate repair costs
MAO Rental Calculator
This calculator will help you determine the maximum you can pay for a rental.
Fix & Flip Investors
Special Report: How to Buy Cash Flowing Real Estate
Download this Special Report to learn the strategy for purchasing rental properties without having to use your own money.
Video: Using Hard Money to Buy Rentals
This video provides the step-by step process on how to structure the financing on a rental purchase, rehab and refinance.
Special Report: 5 Keys to Real Estate Flipping Success
In this report you will learn what it takes to be a successful real estate fix and flipper.
Passive Investors
Become a Private Money Investor
This report will teach you what private lending is and why the wealthiest people in history have participated in it.
Report: 2024 Housing Crash
Can we compare today to the crash of 1990? This report compares the two.
Lender Pitfalls Report
Learn from ours and other’s mistakes in this free report so you can lend with confidence.
Report: Becoming the Bank
Download our full report to learn more about private money lending and trust deed investing.
Recent Articles
Articles & insights
The Power of Mastermind Groups: A Personal Journey
"In every instance where you find a man (or woman) of outstanding achievement in any calling, you will find that he has been a success due to a mastermind alliance." – Napoleon Hill Napoleon Hill, author of the seminal work "Think and Grow Rich," dedicates an...
Why Mortgage Rates May Not Come Down, Even with a Fed Cut
I received an enormous number of questions this last month about interest rates, many focused on why the Fed elected not to lower interest rates in July and more questions about emergency cuts. When is good news actually bad news and when is good news really...
The Value of Values
“I felt the positive energy the second I walked through the door,” Ryan says as I shake his hand to introduce myself. Ryan is a 19-year-old entrepreneur student from New Hampshire. I agreed to allow him to shadow me for a day for college credits. The day started with...