I was sitting in a meeting full of extremely successful real estate investors and the topic of what beginning investors want to know came up. Several topics got thrown around like LLCs, financing, locating deals, and management. The room did have a few newer...
I love hearing about and learning new investment strategies. Two strategies I have been hearing a lot about these days are House Hacking and Nomad. These are both strategies to begin or to expand your rental portfolio. The interesting twist here, though, is they both...
We have all seen the late-night TV infomercials with the big houses, expensive watches, and fancy cars. Oh yeah, and you can do it part-time with very little effort, and you are guaranteed to succeed if you hire the advertiser to coach you. The truth is real estate...
Business opportunities are needed to both start your venture and to grow it. But how do you know what opportunities to pursue? Shouldn’t you jump on every opportunity that presents itself? Not necessarily. From personal experience, I can tell you that you will...
I was 22 when I completed my general classes in school and began signing up for finance and business classes. At that point, I owned a home that was increasing in value. I loved real estate already and wanted it to be part of my career. As I sifted through the Metro...
One real estate investor responded, “To have more passive income than expenses.” The question asked was, “What is your goal for real estate investing?” The ultimate goal is to do what you want, with who you want, when you want. This goal is...